How to create SQL Backup In Object storage in azure.


Azure Tenant Account.

Objecct Storage

Sql Server and VM.


  1. Sign in to the Azure Portal.

  2. Navigate to Storage Accounts.

  3. Create a container based on your requirements.

  4. Generate Shared Access Keys.

  5. Use the provided scripts to create credentials for the SQL Server to access the containers.

    use master


    IF Not EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.credentials WHERE name = 'https://')


    SECRET = 'sv=2022-11-02&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacupiytfx&se=2024-12-31T14:33:11Z&st=2024-12-26T06:33:11Z&spr=https&sig=djdfbhbhhbgjsdjjd vlskadbfdsjfkba%3D'


  6. Create a backup schedule under the Maintenance Plan.

  7. For a Menu, Put the name Diff Backup in the Maintenance Plan.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Select the database you wish to back up.

  10. Click on Next.

  11. Click on Next.

  12. Choose URL as the backup destination.

  13. Click Next.

  14. Under the Destination tab, add the container from your storage account.

  15. Click Next.

  16. Specify the log file location according to your folder requirements.

  17. Click Next, then Finish to complete the setup.

  18. Select the database to be backed up.

  19. Go to Tasks and select Backup.

  20. Choose Diff Backup.

  21. Enter the URL in the destination field.

  22. Click On Add Button.

  23. Select the appropriate container in the storage account.

  24. Click OK to initiate the process.

  25. The backup will begin and progress accordingly.

Ref link:

Creating Storage Account:Create an Azure storage account - Azure Storage | Microsoft Learn