Backup and Exporting SSL Certificates from one server to other windows servers using IIS
Windows Server use PFX file, it’s a easy way to backup for ssl certificate from one server to other server. PFX file are usually found with the extenstions for .pfx and .p12. It contain binary format & it stores all files like private and public key with single encrypted file.
Procedure for Exporting/Backup a .pfx/.p12 file
Step 1 : Enter Run Command.(Go to start screen type Run and click Entre)
Step2 : Type mmc and hit the enter button.
Step 3: In User Account Control windows open click on Yes to allow the MMC to make changes.
Step 4: In the Console Window click File à Add/Remove Snap-in(ctrl+m).
Step 5: Add the certificates to Selected Snap.
Step 6: Select Computer Account & Click to Next.
Step 7: Select Local Computer & click finish.
Step 8: Expand the Certificates folder. Pleases check Personal or Web Hosting.
Step 9: Right-click the certificate you want to export/backup.
Step 10: Click Next.
Step 11: Select Yes, export the private key.
Step 12: Select Personal Information Exchange. Select Include all certificate in the certification path if possible the click next.
Step 13: On the security page, check Password enter and confirm your password.
Step 14: Browse to the file that you want to export/backup.
Note: Make sure to the filename and location where you saved the .pfx/.p12 file.
Step 15: Verify your setting on the certificate export wizard and click to finish. Now you should receive a message “The export was successful”.
Import your SSL Certificate (.pfx/.p12) File to anew Server.
Step1 : In new server use step 1 to 7.
Step 2: Expand the Certificates folder. Here right click personal folder the click All Task à Import
Step 3: Click Next.
Step 4: On certificate Store Page, Select the option Certificate “automatically select the .pfx/p12 file” and click on Next.
Step 5: Verify your settings.
Step 6: After you import the ssl certificate .pfc/.p12 file to new server.
Step 7: To import certificate using IIS ,Double Click on Server certificate.
Step 8: Click on import button .
Step 9: Choose the certificate and specify the .pfx password and allow this certificate to import and clik on OK.
Step 10: After certificate is imported it will appear IIS Manager or MMC.